Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Princess Cupcake!

I've neglected this place terribly recently, so I've only just realised that Princess Cupcake's Cakes is one year old today!

I like to think that I've come a long way since that first post, even if my update schedule has been somewhat sporadic of late... But things are going to change and I'm going to get better and stay that way (I know I've said that before but I actually mean it this time.)

Happily I've just got a load of new baking equipment (including the most amazing cookie cutters) so I will start posting again soon.

So thank you to everyone who reads this blog, I've been terrible to you all recently but I do appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for showing me that people do read this blog and that there is a point to me doing this! I promise I shall treat you all better from now on!


PS. I've just looked at Bloglovin for the first time in ages and discovered that Google Reader has been shut down, so if you have been using that to follow me please follow me by email (I have a handy gadget for that in the sidebar!) or switch to Bloglovin. You can use the gadget in the sidebar to switch (in theory I have this blog verrified as mine but I have no idea!)

If you need help on switching to Bloglovin this blog post is quite useful :)
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