Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Normally I don't really bother with New Year celebrations, I must confess that I find it confusing that the annual ritual of hanging a new calendar is important and must be celebrated. But I know lots of people who do feel it is important, so in the words of my dear brother "Insert platitude based upon it being 2013 here"

2012 has been a good year for me, not only has it been a great year to be British what with our amazing Olympic and Paralympic Games and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee but I've achieved a lot myself this year. I graduated University and got a job (not where I want but it's a start) and I started this blog and most importantly I've stuck with it. I think this blog is one of the few projects I've started in my life and actually kept up with (my youtube account is evidence of this). And I want to continue in this way in 2013, I want to make this blog the best I can over the course of this year.

So now I feel it is time for that time honoured tradition of making New Year's Resolutions, I promise I won't bother you all with the traditional ones (get fit, eat better, drink less .etc) and keep them on topic to this place! I'm writing them down here so that this time next year I can return to this post and reflect on what I have (or haven't) achieved this year!

1. Improve the layout
I hate the fact I'm using one of Bloggers templates, it makes this place look rather dull. So at the very least this year I'm going to customise the layout with my own pictures and organise everything so that it's a more efficient layout.

2. Reviews
I've really been bad at writing these, I have so many books I should be reviewing and this year I promise I'm actually going to do that!

3. Finish all those half written posts
As the title suggests, I have quite a few half written posts scattered about on my laptop. I want to finish these and get them posted, I also want to start all those half-formed posts which only exist in note form.

4. Great British Bake Off
I adore this program and I really want to go on it. So I'm going to apply and keep you guys informed of my progress through the audition process if I get through the first round. By writing this here I can't chicken out and not send off the application form.

5. Variety
I want to make this blog great, and to do that I have to do more than write the odd review and post recipes. So I promise to start writing a greater variety of posts, from discussion pieces to advice pieces and start sharing more of my own bakes. Especially since I'm really trying to up my game when it comes to cake decoration.

I also want to continue to develop my baking skills and improve my photography.
So that's what I plan for 2013, wish me luck everyone! I think I'm going to need it!

Once again I wish you all a very Happy New Year, and I hope that 2013 treats you all well.

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