I'm so sorry everyone, I've neglected this place dreadfully recently! I really hadn't intended to go this long without updating! Want to hear my excuses?
For a start, Blogger has just been driving me nuts! As part of the site revamp, I want to reorganise the label library as it is a bit of a mess. Blogger is not co-operating with this as I can't seem to find a way to delete the old ones (which I KNOW you used to be able to do!), and all I can find on the internet are guides that tell you how to replace the labels on existing posts with new ones. Not what I want to do! So if anyone knows how to fix this issue please drop me a line! Oh and going through all the old posts to fix formatting differences is just so boring and time consuming.
Secondly my own lack of artistic skill has been getting me down. I know what I want the layout to look like, but I lack the necessary skills to do this. Which is depressing and honestly it's hard to find the effort to finish fixing up the layout when I'm not happy with the bits I have made and can't make anything better. However I do have a plan, so hopefully the layout won't be unfinished for too long.
Finally I've had dreadful writer's block. I have several post series on here that need finishing and I've tried to finish them, but I'm just not happy with the way those posts have come out and I refuse to post anything that I'm not happy with. Not only have I not been able to finish old posts I haven't been able to come up with any ideas for new posts or I have but I just can't get them into a state I'm happy to post so I've had to take a break from writing recently.
But I think I have defeated that particular monster for now and I do have lots of new ideas. I actually have a "Baking to-do list of DOOM" lurking on my computer now! I've decided to focus on baking things that I find fun or amusing for a while and I'm all inspired now. So hopefully you all should start seeing the results of this soon, warning what lies ahead shall be nerdy!
So that's where we are now. I'm now in a position where I'm happy to start posting again, it might be a few days before new stuff starts appearing but it is on it's way! If you have read this post, thank you for sticking with me! I shall do my best not to disappoint you my lovely readers.
Ps. Before I forget, I have managed to get some new pages up. The "About" page is a bit rubbish, so please ignore that (I intend to change it), but the "Recipes" links to all the recipes I've posted here. Oh and the newest page "Conversions" is full of useful information including a selection of conversion charts for weights and oven temperatures. I have at least one more information page to write and post coming soon but if there is anything you my readers want to see, please drop me a line (email or comment!) and I'll do my best to make it happen.
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